A Healthy Gut HALVES Risk of Memory Loss Finds UCLA Study
PLUS Get a five minute hack for strengthening and healing the gut to relieve indigestion woes and boost brain health. It takes only minutes each morning. Yet it can unleash a flood of health benefits throughout the brain and body (no, it’s not a supplement or any ‘band-aid’ solution)
Millions of Americans struggle with blowing up like a balloon after meals… explosive gas… and rumbling bowels that keep them awake at night.
Symptoms that also drain their energy, stop them enjoying their favorite foods and can suck all pleasure from life.
Yet poor gut health may be impacting their brain health too.
This was the finding of a team of scientists in Taiwan and from the University of California, San Francisco.(1)
They tracked 1,742 people aged 45 or older who’d been diagnosed with irritable bowels.
They then tracked their health over a number of years…
And they were SHOCKED to discover people with irritable bowels have DOUBLE the risk of memory loss and faster brain decline as they age.
Dr Bing Zhang, study author, said:
“The findings suggest that there may be a connection between IBD and neurocognitive decline.”
Why was poor gut health found to make the brain age faster?
The gut is where we make all sorts of hormones and feel good chemicals, and it’s where we absorb nutrients vital for a strong, healthy brain.
This means that when the gut is weak and unhealthy…
the brain gets starved of the hormones, chemicals and nutrients it needs to thrive.
Memory loss, low moods, sleeping problems and accelerated brain decline can then set in.
So that’s the bad news.
The good news is that this study ALSO suggests people with poor gut health can HALVE their risk of memory loss and brain decline if they take steps to heal their health.
Even better, they don’t need medications or expensive supplements to do it.
Gut health can be improved through a few simple food choices.
This was revealed in another study, published in BMJ journal Gut.(2)
In the study, a team of scientists tracked the diets of 612 people across Europe for a year.
They discovered that eliminating inflammatory foods and replacing them with a few key healthier ones can heal the gut and lead to:
✔ A huge reduction in inflammatory markers
✔ Improved memory and brain function
✔ Slowed signs of physical aging, such as walk speed and hand grip strength
✔ Reduced bone loss for stronger, more flexible joints
✔ Improved blood pressure and healthier arteries
✔ Sustainable weight loss
✔ Lower risk of erratic blood sugar, low moods and severe ill health
In other words, eating these foods was like a magic pill for a stronger gut and slowing down the aging clock!
As the study authors concluded:
“Our findings support the feasibility of changing the habitual diet to modulate the gut microbiota which in turn has the potential to promote healthier aging.”
So what were these magical anti-aging foods the scientists found?
Well, they weren’t choking down platefuls of sauerkraut or other weird fermented foods… restrictive dieting like keto… low FODMAP… or any other trendy diet.
Instead, it was eating a few everyday foods available from most supermarkets.
Later in this article, I’m going to share what these foods were with you. And how they helped me…
Relieve my gas… deflate my bloated belly… and gain a healthier, happier tummy in record time!
My name is Matt Ambrose. I’m the founder of Erudite Lifestyle.
A little over a year ago I was struggling with SEVERE gut issues.
I’d blow up like a toad after meals, and had to make endless runs for the bathroom before my bowels exploded.
But worse of all, I’d get VILE smelly gas.
One bout of gas was so EMBARRASSING I thought it had RUINED my career.
I knew I had to find a PERMANENT solution to my gut issues.
So I conducted countless hours of research into finding the BEST foods that would heal and strengthen my gut in record time.
A journey that led to me discovering a ‘Five Minute Gut Health Hack’.
A hack that doesn’t involve…
X Platefuls of weird fermented food
X Calorie restriction or starvation dieting
X Choking down fistfuls of supplements
Yet it’s like feeding the gut with 3 supplements in 1…
And it helped me gain:
✔ Twice daily bowel movements like clockwork
✔ Being able to enjoy my favorite foods again
✔ Relieved my allergies and blotchy skin
✔ Improved my sleep, so I now jump out of bed bursting with energy
✔ Helped strengthen my immune defenses against colds and flu
What is my ‘Five Minute Gut Health Hack’?
One lady I shared it with said she’d happily pay $10 for it.
Yet, I decided to give it away for FREE.
So later in thie article, I’ll reveal…
How to make it from simple ingredients for pennies on the dollar.
Ingredients that are POTENT sources of gut enriching nutrients…
yet will save folks hundreds of dollars on what supplements containing them cost.
But before that…
I’m going to explain why antacids, laxatives and other chemical remedies are little better than ‘band-aids’.
Because they do NOTHING to heal the root cause of gut health issues.
What’s worse, if taken for too long they can make digestive issues WORSE.(3)
Swallowing handfuls of enzymes and expensive probiotics isn’t much better.
Because a team of Israeli scientists were SHOCKED to discover probiotic pills don’t work for 1 in 2 people.
I’ll share full details on this study later in the article…
Along with something else I read that’s ever MORE disturbing…
That 120 of the world’s leading scientists have warned there’s a common gut condition that’s NOW the #1 threat to people’s immune systems.(4)
That’s right!
A BIGGER threat than being overweight, elderly or having underlying health issues.
Yet I also have good news to share.
So lot’s of fantastic info on achieving optimal gut health coming up.
And information that can be life transforming for anyone yearning to gain regular bowel movements…
A strong, healthy gut so they can feast on their favorite foods again…
A happier, clearer brain…
and more vim and vigor in daily life!
Click the ‘Next Page’ button below to read more…
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