The Modern World is a Toxic Place for Our Guts
To be precise…
The modern world is toxic for trillions of life forms living inside our guts.
Lifeforms called…
There are as many as 1,000 different species…(1)
And there are 100 trillion of them – a heck of a lot more than people living on the planet.(2)
Combined, the bacteria inside our gut create a 5lbs ball of matter in our gut known as the ‘microbiome’.(3)
Much of the bacteria living inside the microbiome are good for us.
The good bacteria help us digest food…
create white blood cells for getting rid of invaders…
and make all sorts of hormones that are vital to our health.(4)
Whereas the bad bacteria do the opposite.
They make us crave sugary foods that make us fat and unhealthy.(5)
They WEAKEN our body’s immune defenses.
Allow pathogens to spread.
And increase our risk of falling victim to colds, flus and worse.
So having too many of the bad guys and too few of the good ones can trigger an avalanche of health problems.
Regular bloating and gas are early warning signs that the bad guys are in control.
The medical term for an unhealthy balance of too much BAD bacteria is…
Gut dysbiosis.
Gut dysbiois is the common gut condition scientists now warn is a bigger threat to our immune systems than being obese, elderly or any other underlying health issue (more on this later).
The good news is that I have TWO solutions to share with you on how to reverse it.
Neither of which involves choking down fistfuls of pills.
Bcause you see, spending $100+ on probiotics, digestive enzymes and other potions and powders will do little on its own.
As like I said, they’re little better than band-aids.
ALL the triggers of gut dysbiosis MUST be addressed to permanently reverse it and to gain a strong, healthy gut.
What are the triggers of gut dysbiosis?
They include:(6)
- Highly processed diets loaded with sugars and additives but with near ZERO nutrition
- Chronic stress, anxiety and poor sleep
- Frequent use of antibiotics
- Downing too many beers and wines for stress relief
- Pesticides, household chemicals and air pollution
- Gluten, GMOs and other ingredients our digestive systems struggle to digest and that punch holes in our gut wall
So you see, gut dysbiosis is tough to avoid.
And it’s easy to see why millions are suffering from indigestion problems… weakened immunity… and the long list of symptoms gut dysbiosis can cause.
In a minute I’ll share how to disarm ALL the triggers of gut dysbiosis at the same time.
First, I want to tell you which trigger does the most damage…
Something 4 in 5 Americans take every year to protect against infections…
But wrecks terrible damage and makes the risk of colds, flu and other illnesses WORSE…
Taking Antibiotics is Like Setting off a Nuclear Bomb in Our Gut
Antibiotics have one purpose: To wipe out infections.(7)
And they’re very good at it.
A little too good.
They wipe out ALL the bacteria living inside the gut.
As Science Daily reports, antibiotics kill off both the good bacteria and the bad.(8)
The damage antibiotics do to our gut bacteria was recently demonstrated in a Stanford University study.(9)
Stanford scientists looked at nearly 900,000 stool samples from healthy people who’d recently taken antibiotics.
And they were shocked to discover their gut health hadn’t recovered even after six months!
This means that for at least six months after taking antibiotics, the gut can’t digest food properly… the immunity wall crumbles… and there’s a higher risk of ill health.
So what’s the solution?
Like I said, it’s not spending $100+ a month on supplements.
Supplement companies may LOVE to promote probiotics as a fast track to gaining a strong, healthy gut…
And they like to bamboozle us with claims of having trillions of bacteria in every cold-pressed pill…
But the reality is there’s ZERO proof that probiotic supplements work.
Not one study has clinically proven that taking probiotics in a cold-pressed pill heals the gut.
Not one!
And gut health experts have long been critical of an industry they see as generating huge profits from pseudoscience.
This includes popular internet physician Dr. Mike Varshavski. He says that:
“The average healthy person should not be taking a daily probiotic…It hasn’t been proven to give enough benefit to warrant the risks, and especially spending money on a supplement that may not give you any benefit whatsoever.” (10)
While Matthew Ciorba, a gastroenterologist at Washington University, said in an interview with Scientific American, “probiotics are pure hype. The majority of studies to date have failed to reveal any benefits.” (11)
Pretty scathing, don’t you think?
Yet when I reveal what happens after swallowing a probiotic supplement, you’ll understand why.
Because for a probiotic supplement to work, it’s got to survive a long, hard journey.
This includes a pounding from the stomach walls…
An acid bath in the stomach’s gastric juices…
And then it has to convince the microbes already living inside the gut to give it space to colonize.
Quite an adventure, to say the least.
And no wonder most probiotics don’t survive long enough to work.
This has been demonstrated in a mounting weight of studies.
One of the most alarming studies was done by the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel.
A study that could jeopardize the profits of multi-billion supplement brands.
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