How I ATE My Way to a Healthy Gut to Relieve My Cramps, Gas, and Chronic Bloating
Ever been on a golf course and followed through in the worst way possible? I have. And it was one of the most humiliating experiences of my life.
Good news is it led to me finally fixing the root cause of my chronic indigestion. And I didn’t need to plug myself up with medications, choke down supplements, or face an awkward “probing” on a doctor’s table to do it.
I’ll share how in a minute.
First, here’s how this all came about…
There I was, stood on the 11th tee about to whammy the ball down the fairway, when I felt a rumbling in my stomach. The club house was a ten minute walk away. So unless I made a dash for the bushes, I had no choice than to put my head down and drive.
With my golf buddies’ beady eyes on me, I pulled back, swung through with the grace of a swooping eagle and triggered a spasm in my bowels that released more than just the golf ball.
I wish I could plead innocence and say it happened out of the blue. But…
My stomach had been growling at me for months.
Regularly would I find myself charging through malls looking for a restroom. Or squirming in my seat in meetings, silently begging for them to end so I could dash to the men’s room.
So when indigestion hit me like a truck at the 11th tee, I knew I only had myself to blame.
The good news is my buddies didn’t even notice. Or at least they didn’t let on, knowing something so humiliating would mean I may never played again.
So I waddled through the rest of the round until I could reach the sanctuary of the clubhouse. After changing into clean underwear, I realised I may not be so lucky a second time.
So when I got home I jumped onto the internet and started digging to find the root cause of my chronic bouts of gas, cramps and bloating. I soon discovered…
Modern Diets are Toxic for the Gut!
Diets high in processed ingredients can do terrible damage to the digestive system.
Firstly, highly processed foods are low in the nutrients your gut, body, and brain need for optimal health.
Secondly, artificial ingredients can cause an imbalance of bad bacteria, triggering a tsunami of health problems.
Here’s what The Department of Nutrition, Bjørknes University College in Norway, has to say about it: “A large body of research now supports the hypothesis that the Western Diet is causing changes in gut microbiota associated with obesity and metabolic disease.”(1)
While WebMD notes that, “What you eat can contribute to digestive problems. Many people eat too much processed food and sugar, and not enough fiber, fruits, and vegetables.”(2)
The final nail in the coffin was reading about a huge study in the Journal of Gastroenterology. After assessing 22,343 people’s diets, researchers concluded that diets high in processed foods were the reason why 1 in 4 people now suffers from chronic digestive problems.(3)
After reading all this I knew that unless I made drastic changes to what I ate…
I’d never be free of the bouts of gas, cramps, and bloating that blighted my life.
So you know what I did?
I burnt the midnight oil to find the best gut healthy recipes for repairing my gut. I then compiled all the recipes into two weekly meal plans: One for gut repair and the second for maintenance.
Did my new diet work?
Well, I can’t say that I suddenly woke up one morning to find my digestion problems had gone away.
But what I will say is that after a few weeks, as the damage from too much sugar and refined carbs got repaired, my bowel movements did become healthier and more regular.
Then as I continued to feed my body with nutrient dense meals, I felt like I had more energy. My mind started to feel clearer. Even my wife Helen said I’d became less of a grumpy so-and-so. I’d love to say it added 20 yards to my drive too. But you’d need a miracle for that!
The reason I’m telling you all this is that after experiencing such a vast improvement to my digestion and all-round health, I knew I couldn’t keep it all to myself. With 1 in 4 people now suffering chronic digestion problems, I knew I had to make my meal plans available to anyone who needs to repair their bowels.
So what I’ve done is compile all my research, the 29 recipes, and 2 food plans into a system I’ve called Eat Your Way to a Healthy Gut. And you can get be downloading and reading it in minutes via this page!
Here’s a fraction of what it covers
✔ The little known danger of taking too many probiotic supplements (p.10)
✔ 4 clever “dinner table habits” for smoother digestion (p.11)
✔ The “super hero” nutrient found in a common vegetable for improved digestion, muscle function, and relieved constipation (p.12)
✔ Who should never eat bran for relieving constipation (and what to eat instead) (p.17)
✔ 3 foods that murder your gut health (p.18)
✔ Why high stress levels increase the risk of long-term intestinal fatigue (and how a healthy gut helps lower stress on its own) (p.21)
✔ 2 little known ways of relieving heartburn naturally (p.23)
✔ Smart way of cooking broccoli to reduce stomach bloat (p.26)
✔ 6 common grocery store foods everyone should eat to avoid leaky gut (p.28)
✔ How to boost levels of digestive enzymes through food, rather than expensive supplements (p.32)
✔ 7 kitchen spices for bulletproofing your gut (you likely have 3 of these in your cupboard) (p.34)
✔ 7 probiotic super foods for rebalancing your gut bacteria you can find in your local grocery store (p.38)
✔ 1 x gut repair meal plan (p.42)
✔ 1 x gut maintenance meal plan (p.43)
✔ 29 gut enriching recipes with ingredients, cooking instructions and photos (p.46-69)
If you’d like to benefit from everything I discovered along with the 2 meal plans and 29 recipes, all you need to do is click the button at the bottom of this page.
You’ll then be taken to an ordering screen to purchase Eat Your Way to a Healthy Gut for the low investment of $7. I think this is a drop in the ocean for the relief my system offers, and it may save you a fortune on stomach medications in the future.
And I want to experience everything Eat Your Way to a Healthy Gut has to offer..
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Eat Your Way to a Healthy Gut is the tip of the iceberg of what I’ve discovered about natural health. And I want to share all my discoveries with you!
My name’s Gareth Churchill.
I’m not a doctor or gut health expert of any kind.
I’m just someone who decided to take responsibility for their one health.
Because sadly, there’s a lot of hype and misinformation on the internet. I’m talking about all the aggressively sold supplements, fake doctors, and general quackery you find online.
So I took it upon myself to dig deep into conditions like cholesterol, high blood sugar, dieting, and even dementia. I was determined to unravel how people can take better care of themselves as they age. And I amassed a treasure trove of information you’re unlikely to hear in a doctor’s office, yet may be transformative to your health.
With your permission, I’d like to send you a daily email detailing my discoveries and the latest natural health breakthroughs. To subscribe, all you need to do is tick the email subscription box when ordering.
Here in the UK we have strict rules on emailing people without permission. So you can be assured your email address will never be shared with anyone. And you can, of course, unsubscribe any time by clicking the link at the bottom of any email.
So let’s get started on your path to a healthy gut so you can relieve your cramps, gas, bloating and other digestive problems naturally through food.
Press the button below to order your free copy of Eat Your Way to a Healthy Gut right now:
>>>Click here to get a FREE copy of Eat Your Way to a Healthy Gut
Disclaimer – This is an advertisement and not a blog or article. Statements made in this article have not been evaluated or approved by the FDA. The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always speak to your doctor before making changes to your medications or extreme changes in diet.