“Do I Have SIBO?” 3 Ways to Know if Bloating is Due to Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO)
“Do I have SIBO?”
It’s a question more and more people seem to have these days.
Everyone overeats from time to time. But when the belly swells up like a balloon after every meal…
Cramps so painful they force people to curl up on the sofa…
and explosive diarrhea that hits them like a truck…
SIBO could be to blame.
And when you understand what SIBO is, you’ll understand why it’s not something to ignore or take lightly.
What is SIBO?
SIBO stands for small intestinal bacterial overgrowth.
Pur simply, SIBO is triggered by bacteria growing in the wrong area of the gut.
As you may know, the gut is home to trillions of bacteria.
There are thought to be over 1,000 different types. And sustaining healthy levels of the right kinds is vital to our digestion and immune system.
But if the wrong type of bacteria grows in the wrong intestine, it can cause all sorts of trouble.
If the wrong bacteria gets into the the small intestine, it can start fermenting bits of undigested food.
This fermentation results in a buildup of hydrogen or methane gas.
Gases which cause people to bend over double with cramps…
And charging for a bathroom before they explode.
Yet these are only the mild symptoms SIBO can cause.
Because if left to fester, SIBO can result in…
X Irritable bowel disease
X Food intolerances
X Chronic fatigue syndrome
X Autoimmune diseases
X Nutrient deficiencies
Sadly, many people suffer from these symptoms for years with no clue SIBO is to blame.
Why do they suffer for so long?
For two reasons…
Firstly, mainstream medicine refuses to admit SIBO exists.
Mainstream medicine’s focus is on diagnosing symptoms and prescribing medications.
This means few conventional doctors are trained in how to identify SIBO and treat it properly.
So the best they can do is prescribe a shopping list of medications, like antibiotics, acid-blocking drugs, and steroids.
Medications that may help in the short-term…
But do NOTHING to heal SIBO’s root cause.
What’s worse, long-term use of antibiotics, acid blockers and steroids can actually make the balance of bacteria in the gut WORSE.
Risking EVEN MORE severe health issues down the road.
So How Can You Answer ‘Do I Have SIBO?’
The only way to know if SIBO is the cause of chronic bloating, painful cramps and explosive diarrhea is to get it tested by one of three ways:
1. Breath test – After fasting for 12 hours, you have to swallow a small piece of sugar. Breath samples are then taken 4 times an hour for 3 hours. If hydrogen or methane levels have gone up, SIBO is the likely cause.
2. Urine test – Urine is tested for yeast or bacterial byproducts.
3. Stool test – Pooping into a cup may not sound pleasant. But it’s the best way of testing for SIBO, along with candida and parasites at the same time.
3 Steps to Repair the Gut So You No Longer Wonder “Do I Have SIBO?”
If any of the three tests comes back positive for SIBO, there’s no need to panic.
Because SIBO can be relieved or even reversed… and without expensive supplements… the side effects of medications… or even having to step foot in a doctor’s office.
Just like with leaky gut, candida or a parasite overgrowth, you can resolve SIBO in 3 simple steps:
- Starve the overgrowth of bacteria – SIBO is primarily driven by a high carb, high sugar diet. So the first step is to eliminate these foods along with other allergens and inflammatory ingredients from your diet.
- Revitalise healthy bacteria – Sustaining a healthy gut all comes down to having higher levels of good bacteria and fewer of the bad ones. Rather than spend hundreds of dollars on supplements every month, you can do this by eating foods rich in nutrients that help healthy gut bacteria spread and multiply.
- Adopt a gut healthy diet and lifestyle so the body can stay healthy, support a strong digestive system and keep the symptoms of SIBO at bay.
Sounds simple, right?
Yet as anyone who’s tried making wholesale changes to their diet and lifestyle knows… actually implementing these 3 steps can be tough.
You need to know what foods to avoid…
What foods to eat…
What simple lifestyle habits you can adopt to strengthen your gut and immune system (without living off food that tastes like cardboard or gruelling exercise)…
And how to stay motivated to make the transition to a gut healthy diet and lifestyle a success.
No doubt about it.
Healing SIBO and other digestive issues can be a steep challenge.
So it’s no wonder people willingly pay $300 per session with a functional health therapist to guide and support them in getting their gut health back on track.
Well, the good news is there’s no need to pay hundreds of dollars to a functional health therapist…
Struggle through complicated books on gut health…
Or trying to piece together what steps to take…
Because I’ve created a 30 day program that guides you step-by-step in how to make the transition to a gut healthy diet and lifestyle a success.
Click the button below to find out more:
Disclaimer – The information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician. You should not use the information on this site for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem. You should consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet program, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem.
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