30 Second Sleep Trick Burns 55% More Belly Fat
Did you know that getting good quality sleep isn’t just vital for immunity…
it can help burn belly fat too.
This is what researchers at the University of Chicago Medical Center set out to determine… and were shocked at what they discovered.
As Plamen Penev, MD, PhD, the study’s lead author put “If your goal is to lose fat, skipping sleep is like poking sticks in your bicycle wheels……in our study it reduced fat loss by 55 percent.”
You see, your body releases important stress relieving and fat reducing hormones as you sleep…
Hormones that help strengthen the immune system, curb cravings, boost your metabolism, and increase your ability to burn fat throughout the day.
But if you’re you’re not sleeping well at night… your body slows down production of these important hormones… which causes fat-burning to slow down, too.
Luckily, researchers have discovered a natural way to rejuvenate your body’s natural sleep rhythm allowing you to fall into a deep and restful sleep.
Restoring your natural fat burning hormones and resetting your metabolism.
Earnings disclaimer – I take a sleep remedy like this myself every night. And it’s helped lift my mood as well as my immune system. So I know it works.
But like with other products promoted on this website, we will earn a small commission if you purchase this sleep remedy. If that’s not cool with you, go here instead to find out about it: https://www.harmoniumsleep.com.
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